1800Flowers Massapequa, Your Local Seaford Florist
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Featured Floral Arrangements
Basket of Sunshine™
Whatever it is you’re trying to say, do it with this bright and beautiful bouquet! A mix of roses, li
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Classic All White Arrangement™
White flowers have a timeless elegance, which is captured in our luxurious all-white arrangement. A soft yet poignant mi
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12 Premium Long Stem Red Roses
Our premium long stem red roses are an elegant surprise for the one you can trust, the one you can turn to, the one you
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Flower delivery in Seaford
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Maria Schettino
I received Mother's Day Flowers on Friday 5/10/24. I was disappointed because some of the flowers were already wilting by Saturday. I took a photo, don't know if it worked. I assume this is the order # 178977 I can't get the photo off my phone. May 16, 2024 received a replacement for my damaged flowers. Thank you so much. You stand behind your product!
Sia Joy
The employees there are amazing. The manager goes above and beyond with service.
Susan Daniele
Such a beautiful easter basket arrangement.Gorgeous flowers and colors
Cindy was so kind and very helpful .
Will absolutely use again.
my daughter-in-law and son love their center piece for their first Easter holiday ..
Randi P
My daughter bought me the most beautiful flowers from here!
Steven Sager
The beef was so fresh you would have sworn there was a Farm in the backyard
Jacquelin Archila-Klemp
Amazing. So friendly and made my son truly feel part of the process from picking colors to wrapping the small arrangement. I was touched by such personal care. Thank you Marlow!
Funeral Homes
Charles G Schmitt Funeral Home
3863 Merrick Rd, Seaford, NY 11783, USA